How to use "testosterone" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "testosterone" in popular movie and book plots

  • Men are particularly vulnerable as the virus stimulates testosterone and adrenaline production.  - Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • A setback for James is that he has to stop testosterone injections, because of a rare condition of his body not tolerating it.  - 52 Tuesdays
  • The police arrive and arrest him and in a testosterone induced rage he attacks the officers.  - Bullhead (film)
  • Then disaster and puberty struck, rendering young Demiwind a walking testosterone magic machine with an eye for mischief.  - Challenge of the Dragon
  • He gives his son a drink with a testosterone inhibitor, and tells him that he will have to drink it daily.  - Corps à corps
  • dr Cameron realizes that this is something entirely different and House suggests male menopause (high estrogen, low testosterone levels).  - Words and Deeds

Meaning of "testosterone" in English

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Meaning of "testosterone" in Hindi

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