How to use "thankfully" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "thankfully" in popular movie and book plots

  • The Swedish girl, wearing a fedora, is at first too hesitant to step into the limelight but thankfully Krazy literally gives her a push.  - The Katnips of 1940
  • Blair, Hadley and Isla head back to the palace, and find Prince thankfully distracting another guard for them.  - Barbie: Princess Charm School
  • Halfway through taking it, Simon bites her and drinks her blood but is thankfully interrupted by Kyle.  - City of Fallen Angels
  • Kane arrives in the demon's realm and sees a massive and heavily guarded – but thankfully empty – throne containing the coveted soul cube.  - Doom 3: Maelstrom
  • Will Scarlet (Robin Nedwell) frequently tries to make a song out of these events, but thankfully Robin stops him every time.  - The Zany Adventures of Robin Hood
  • Eleanor mysteriously gives birth prematurely, but the baby girl, whom they name Virginia, is thankfully born safely.  - Wraiths of Roanoke
  • While she is investigating, a bomb blows up the Porsche, thankfully without hurting anyone.  - High Five (novel)
  • But thankfully his cronies promise to look after him.  - Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2

Meaning of "thankfully" in English

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Meaning of "thankfully" in Hindi

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