How to use "thanksgiving" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "thanksgiving" in popular movie and book plots

  • During thanksgiving dinner his grandmother Ruth tells him she has discovered a woman named Lillian in her husbands Warren's journals.  - The Christmas Wish
  • The lay ends with Segramour becoming Emperor after his grandfather, and a final thanksgiving to Christ.  - Emaré
  • As Seigfried prayed in thanksgiving for witnessing the spectacle, his father began bleeding heavily and collapsed in death.  - Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny
  • In return, one of the blonde women must be taken as a thanksgiving for protection.  - Prehistoric Women (1967 film)
  • Duane and Anthony go to their neighbors thanksgiving meal and Gina also arrives.  - Duane Hopwood
  • The victory thanksgiving service at St Paul's Cathedral is attended by the military attachés, including a Latin-American, Colonel Flores.  - The Military Philosophers
  • At a thanksgiving service in Woodstock church for the victory at Worcester (3 September 1651), the Rev.  - Woodstock (novel)
  • goodbye; later, thanksgiving comes along and the remaining girls on the ranch celebrate with Walter and Fran.  - Chicken Ranch (film)

Meaning of "thanksgiving" in English

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Meaning of "thanksgiving" in Hindi

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