How to use "theme" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "theme" in popular movie and book plots

  • Hasenpfeffer Incorporated," which then leads into the series' theme song titled "Making Our Dreams Come True," performed by Cyndi Grecco.  - Laverne & Shirley
  • The theme song and opening sequence set the premise of the show.  - The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  • Max hurts his father's feelings after his father humiliates him at an opossum-based theme park.  - A Goofy Movie
  • A theme that runs throughout the novel is the practice of marrying for money.  - The Newcomes
  • The theme song is the original version of "Do You Believe in Magic" by The Lovin' Spoonful.  - State of Grace (TV series)
  • He thinks the ship, The Filthy Whore, is a theme boat.  - Cabin Boy
  • The second theme involves visitors to the "uncharted" island.  - Gilligan's Island
  • Guybrush improvises an explosive and sets off an avalanche, burying LeChuck under the theme park.  - The Curse of Monkey Island
  • " to the theme of Siegfried's horn call from the Ring Cycle.  - What's Opera, Doc?
  • The recurring theme of hunting with "one shot", which is how Mike prefers to take down a deer, is introduced.  - The Deer Hunter
  • Nevertheless, the topic continues to be a theme of certain Russian historians.  - Tehran Conference
  • This theme would later be picked up in Forward the Foundation.  - Prelude to Foundation
  • A female voice commands him to "open your eyes" (a recurring theme in the movie), and the film ends with David opening his eyes.  - Vanilla Sky
  • (A similar theme is explored in Fred Saberhagen's Berserker novels).  - The Forge of God
  • The strain on their relationship due to Kathy's subtle acquiescence to bigotry becomes a key theme in the film.  - Gentleman's Agreement
  • Several episodes of DS9 explore the theme of the Mirror Universe, first touched upon in the episode "".  - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Meaning of "theme" in English

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Meaning of "theme" in Hindi

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