How to use "therapy" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "therapy" in popular movie and book plots

  • She eventually ends up in a mental institution, where she undergoes electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).  - Requiem for a Dream (novel)
  • Shortly after, Evelyn dies in front of the others, when they find her mysteriously strapped onto a hypercharged electroshock therapy table.  - House on Haunted Hill (1999 film)
  • George begins attending therapy sessions with an ambitious psychiatrist and sleep researcher named William Haber.  - The Lathe of Heaven
  • Later, "Kyle" goes to a conversion therapy group, meeting the other participants in the ex-gay program.  - Shock to the System (film)
  • A wealthy child molester, Verger was paralyzed and brutally disfigured by Lecter during a therapy session.  - Hannibal (film)
  • In speech therapy she meets Brandy Alexander, a trans woman.  - Invisible Monsters
  • Chucky kills dr Ardmore with an electroshock therapy machine and follows Andy home, knocking him unconscious with a baseball bat.  - Child's Play (1988 film)
  • After a heated display, Jim smashes Gord's half-pipe, and Gord and his parents go to a family therapy session.  - Freddy Got Fingered
  • After the first appointment it is clear that the therapy has failed.  - Maurice (novel)
  • But, under Fran Fine's influence and guidance, she eventually doesn't need therapy any more.  - The Nanny
  • We then see Renata in therapy talking about her mother and the effects of her breakdown on the family.  - Interiors
  • Tina reveals her story to her therapy group, who angrily criticize or belittle her.  - Diary of a Mad Housewife
  • He prescribes electroconvulsive therapy (ECT); and afterward, she tells her mother that she will not go back.  - The Bell Jar
  • Later, Bond follows her to a gene therapy clinic, where patients can have their appearances altered through DNA restructuring.  - Die Another Day
  • He arranges for him to forgo jail time if he agrees to study mathematics under Lambeau's supervision and participate in therapy sessions.  - Good Will Hunting
  • Herbert is overtly rude and reveals that Tom's sister is in therapy with his wife.  - The Prince of Tides

Meaning of "therapy" in English

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Meaning of "therapy" in Hindi

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