How to use "therein" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "therein" in popular movie and book plots

  • A mutual trust therein develops between Emily and Arden as they eventually arrive at the institution.  - My Name Is Emily
  • And therein lies his predicament: should Bolbol go for the independent, self-empowered though occasionally cold Yasmin.  - Bolbol Hayran
  • Delivering the important letter, the Communist army is able to use the information contained therein to capture a Japanese commander.  - Letter with Feather
  • Most of the episode follows the story of this past life, the main characters therein having the appearance of regular Family Guy characters.  - Peter's Progress
  • Taking leave, he returns to his home, where he goes directly to the attic, to a rotten chest, and therein finds the key to the tomb.  - The Tomb (short story)
  • They meet Saint Dane twice therein before they are pulled out.  - The Reality Bug
  • Hindle is tricked into opening the Box of Jhana and the visions therein restore his mental balance as with Sanders.  - Kinda (Doctor Who)

Meaning of "therein" in English

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Meaning of "therein" in Hindi

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