How to use "thereupon" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "thereupon" in popular movie and book plots

  • They thereupon confiscate his canoe and take off down river, leaving him to face the vengeance of the approaching humans alone.  - Living Fossil (short story)
  • A wood nymph named Necile thereupon adopts the baby; later named Nicholas.  - The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus (2000 film)
  • Israel had thereupon quarantined Jerusalem, erecting huge walls around it.  - World War Z (film)
  • The Professor thereupon becomes increasingly interested in Effie, and fixes his gaze on her bosom.  - The Medicine Man (story)
  • The boys thereupon get out of the water, chase Jenny and drag her back to the edge of the creek.  - Indian Summer (story)
  • George, who is also a British officer, thereupon resigns his commission rather than take up arms against his brother.  - The Virginians
  • Creven thereupon has the people rounded up and demands that they surrender whoever is responsible.  - ... nur ein Komödiant
  • Mark's job is thereupon revealed to be dubbing porn films, and this scene foreshadows the next, in which Monika has sex with Rob's corpse.  - Nekromantik 2
  • The three of them thereupon sneak their way into the palace harem, where Kutchek and Gore find Canary imprisoned.  - The Barbarians (film)
  • The film thereupon concludes with the announcement "To be Continued – Chandni Chowk to Africa".  - Chandni Chowk to China
  • He thereupon carries out his threat: he twists their heads around so they will be facing backwards.  - The Live Ghost
  • They are thereupon captured by Hinkum Stepfitchler, who reveals that his family made their fortune by plagiarizing the cats' technology.  - The Sands of Time (Hoeye novel)
  • The king thereupon summons all the ministers to look for the liver of a rabbit on the ground.  - Sugungga
  • Justforkix thereupon suggests that Cacofonix's talents would be better appreciated in Lutetia.  - Asterix and the Normans
  • She and LePelt are thereupon arrested.  - 102 Dalmatians
  • The Old Men are content to be comforted and fussed over by the Old Women; and thereupon the two Choruses merge, singing and dancing in unison.  - Lysistrata

Meaning of "thereupon" in English

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Meaning of "thereupon" in Hindi

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