How to use "thoroughbred" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "thoroughbred" in popular movie and book plots

  • When his father, a disreputable trainer of thoroughbred horses, is killed in a barn fire, young Danny Lowman is able to save a foal.  - Pride of the Blue Grass (1939 film)
  • Jock Wallace and Kitty Brant are rival thoroughbred horse breeders.  - The Homestretch
  • Longtime thoroughbred breeder and trainer Tom Martin has a mare, Pepper Mary, he's about to enter in a big race.  - Racing Lady
  • Jim Nolan owns a stable of thoroughbred racehorses and employs Pop Wilson, a long-ago trainer, as a groom.  - Pride of the Blue Grass (1954 film)
  • Sonny Stanton (Noam Jenkins), the heir to a thoroughbred dynasty, is buying the entire concession of farmland to build a golf course.  - All Hat
  • Compared to the other thoroughbred horses, his physical size comparable to a donkey with wide nostrils.  - Midori no Makibaō
  • Little do either of them know that Armitage is actually a thoroughbred racehorse.  - I've Gotta Horse
  • All must race against a thoroughbred of championship pedigree owned by a wealthy man (Coleman) who has no intention of seeing his entry lose.  - Bite the Bullet (film)
  • What good would such a famous thoroughbred be to him.  - The Adventure of Silver Blaze

Meaning of "thoroughbred" in English

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Meaning of "thoroughbred" in Hindi

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