How to use "thrall" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "thrall" in popular movie and book plots

  • She accepts, having always dreamed of meeting a man who was utterly in thrall to her.  - The Music Cure
  • Angie is in the romantic thrall of tough guy Slinger (Gerald Mohr), though Slinger's rough ways bother her.  - The Buckskin Lady
  • Morgan's powers place Spike under her thrall and using his ship, he transports her to the site of the Hellmouth before coming to his senses.  - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine
  • Fearing the queen, they persuade Atli to instead slay the thrall Hjalli.  - The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún
  • During his stay in the Lavadome, he becomes the owner of the human thrall Rayg, the lost great-grandson of Wistala's adopted elf father.  - Age of Fire
  • Now under the thrall of the meteor, they protecting it by seducing the men.  - The Pink Chiquitas
  • Martha comes from a well-to-do family completely in thrall to suburban values and suspicious of Ivy due to her background.  - The Changeling (Snyder novel)
  • The story begins with Shef as little more than a thrall in his stepfather's service.  - The Hammer and the Cross
  • Krasis, however, is still in his thrall and uses the great crystal to summon Kronos to Atlantis once more.  - The Time Monster
  • When the Doctor tries to talk Hutchinson out of the thrall of the Malus, Willow attacks the group.  - The Awakening (Doctor Who)
  • Ludwig, a patient at the abbey, is in thrall to Dracula and invites the Count inside.  - Dracula: Prince of Darkness
  • They discover a world where the human citizens are slowly becoming in thrall to the alien Slithergees.  - Flip-Flop (audio drama)
  • The sorceress reveals that Oba is now a thrall to the Keeper of the Underworld and kills herself before Oba can do the deed.  - The Pillars of Creation
  • The older Martin had only been pretending to be in thrall to Pecksniff.  - Martin Chuzzlewit

Meaning of "thrall" in English

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Meaning of "thrall" in Hindi

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