How to use "threadbare" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "threadbare" in popular movie and book plots

  • In contrast to his slickly attired opponents Altieri is dressed in a threadbare cardigan and slacks and has a carnation in his lapel.  - Gambling City
  • He wanders through the desert and happens upon a threadbare film-unit grinding out "B" westerns called Tumbleweed Productions.  - Hearts of the West (1975 film)
  • Lakunle is wearing a threadbare and rumpled clean English suit that is a little too small for him.  - The Lion and the Jewel
  • The upper-class restaurant looks at Soapy's threadbare clothes and refuses to serve him.  - The Cop and the Anthem

Meaning of "threadbare" in English

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Meaning of "threadbare" in Hindi

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