How to use "throat" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "throat" in popular movie and book plots

  • As Kevin breaks down the door, Mary Ann commits suicide by cutting her throat with a shard of broken glass.  - The Devil's Advocate (1997 film)
  • That night, Miss Sidley commits suicide by slashing her throat and her former psychiatrist soon focuses intently on the children.  - Suffer the Little Children
  • Her older brother, Shane, was kicked out of the house for being gay after a test for strep throat revealed itself to be gonorrhea.  - Invisible Monsters
  • However, Thomas's throat is too injured by the noose to tell Alex the truth of the parchment.  - The Order (2003 film)
  • Boddicker eventually subdues RoboCop, but he's stabbed in the throat by RoboCop, killing him.  - RoboCop
  • Essex slits her throat just before she is about to stab him with a hidden knife.  - Quintet (film)
  • His normally calm dog lunges at him and tears his throat out, killing him.  - Suspiria
  • Harker slits his throat while a wounded Morris stabs him in the heart with a Bowie knife.  - Bram Stoker's Dracula
  • Kaneko shoots the side of Ichi's leg, causing Ichi to slit Kaneko's throat in front of Takeshi.  - Ichi the Killer (film)
  • Finding himself in a fight to the death, Jeff drew a knife and tried to cut Alan's hamstrings, but accidentally cut the man's throat instead.  - A Presumption of Death
  • She pulls herself free, and Brand is shot in the chest and throat with a bow.  - The Courts of Chaos
  • Van Zan tells Quinn about a plan to shoot explosives down the dragon's throat with a crossbow.  - Reign of Fire (film)
  • Joanna is murdered soon after: her throat is slit and she is nearly decapitated.  - Light in August
  • The general appears to comply; however, as they watch, the general cuts his throat instead.  - The Wild Bunch
  • Mallory then approaches Scagnetti from behind and slashes his throat with a shank.  - Natural Born Killers
  • In a final sequence, Elliott escapes from the asylum and slashes Liz's throat in a bloody act of vengeance.  - Dressed to Kill (1980 film)

Meaning of "throat" in English

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Meaning of "throat" in Hindi

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