How to use "throng" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "throng" in popular movie and book plots

  • Ken and Sheila embrace as their car continues through the throng of well-wishers.  - Wings in the Dark
  • The dogs get into an argument with the newcomer, but their quarrel is quickly interrupted by a throng of Cardinal's cats.  - Dog in Boots
  • Nietzsche comes up to the throng and puts an end to the brutal scene, throwing his arms around the horse’s neck, sobbing.  - The Turin Horse
  • He has many followers, and devotees who throng in large numbers to hear his sermons.  - Swami Dada
  • They escape into the courtyard, where they find a throng of men blocking their way.  - Sucker Punch (2011 film)
  • She and Geschwandtner join the throng of waltzing couples.  - Hoheit tanzt Walzer
  • Outside, a throng of male fans awaits Emmanuelle, all desperate for a touch of the famed beauty.  - Emmanuelle 5
  • While, like a ghastly rapid river, through the pale door, a hideous throng rush out forever and laugh - But smile no more".  - The Haunted Palace
  • Tsion Ben-Judah arrives at Petra to address the throng as the Antichrist launches an all-out attack against them.  - Desecration (novel)
  • De Guise walks back to his castle through the throng of townsfolk, unaware of the revelations of the new play.  - The Reckoning (2003 film)
  • " The media throng arrives to drag them out, and McKay never receives an answer.  - The Candidate (1972 film)
  • As Clouseau is taken away to prison, he is mobbed by a throng of enamored women.  - The Pink Panther (1963 film)
  • Inside the mansion, Rick finds Jennifer, prone on a couch and surrounded by a throng of creatures that retreat upon his arrival.  - Splatterhouse
  • Instead, she exclaims to the throng of photographers, "Shoot.  - Easy Virtue (1928 film)
  • It juxtaposes footage of Lester with clownish poses of Benito Mussolini addressing a throng of supporters from a balcony.  - Crimes and Misdemeanors
  • When he arrive at the door, a throng of press is there.  - Notting Hill (film)

Meaning of "throng" in English

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Meaning of "throng" in Hindi

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