How to use "thus" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "thus" in popular movie and book plots

  • The theme park called 'England, England' thus becomes a replica of England's best known historical buildings, figures and sites.  - England, England
  • As a consequence, the other lions are shot—and thus lions as a species become extinct.  - A Friend of the Earth
  • Unfortunately to avoid Crais's pursuit they have to travel into the Uncharted Territories, and thus have no idea how to get home.  - Farscape
  • Schindler and Stern create "Schindler's List" – a list of people to be transferred to Brinnlitz and thus saved from transport to Auschwitz.  - Schindler's List
  • Garraty catches up with Stebbins to tell him this, but before he can speak, Stebbins collapses and dies; thus Garraty is declared the winner.  - The Long Walk
  • Trillian explains that she wanted a child, and could use the only human DNA she could find, thus claiming that Arthur is Random's father.  - Mostly Harmless
  • Bonanno thus faced two bad choices—testify and break his blood oath, or refuse and be jailed for contempt of court.  - Joseph Bonanno
  • Marco wants to investigate, but has no solid evidence to back his claims and thus receives no support from Army Intelligence.  - The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film)
  • Hindley dies six months after Catherine, and Heathcliff thus finds himself master of Wuthering Heights.  - Wuthering Heights
  • The rumor is circulated that Mike's alter-ego Adam Selene was among those killed, thus removing the need for him to appear in the flesh.  - The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
  • and repeats this as "Oscar", and thus gives him his new name.  - Glory Road
  • Benjamin thus sails to Doom Castle to confront the Dark King, who threatens to enslave Benjamin along with the rest of mankind.  - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
  • They promise that as the ghosts travel onward and upward, they will become more solid and thus feel less and less discomfort.  - The Great Divorce
  • The Serpent Riders thus declared the Sidhe as heretics and waged war against them.  - Heretic (video game)
  • Eventually, Duke finds the lair of the Alien Queen, and kills her, thus thwarting the alien plot.  - Duke Nukem 3D
  • She finds that Wayne Enterprises funded Woodrue, thus she takes Bane with her to Gotham City.  - Batman & Robin (film)

Meaning of "thus" in English

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Meaning of "thus" in Hindi

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