How to use "thy" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "thy" in popular movie and book plots

  • He tries to call them but thy do not hear because of the noise.  - Yahaaan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli
  • Finally the family tucks him 'out of sight and out of mind' into a nursing home, with very little 'honor thy father' thought given to it.  - Forgotten (1933 film)
  • Abra and Ozias sing the duet, On thy borders, O Jordan.  - Judith (oratorio)
  • And is cryptically told that “Arthur’s hand shall light the flame in which thy sorrows all expire”.  - The Fairy of the Lake
  • ), Barney's take on it is "Love thy neighbor," which would lead into his Platinum Rule as "Never ever, ever, ever love thy neighbor".  - The Platinum Rule (How I Met Your Mother)
  • He chides her for "playing with thy paints" forcing her to set it aside for good, though still incomplete.  - The Friendly Persuasion
  • ThunderClan begins to lose the battle, but WindClan joins in to help, summoned by Midnight, the badger thy met at the sundown place.  - Twilight (Hunter novel)
  • For those desperate enough to do so, the self-mutilation was justified by scripture: citing , "If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off".  - Acts of God (James BeauSeigneur novel)
  • Beaumont is warned not to continue his experiments, citing the Biblical Scripture, "For the LORD thy God is a jealous God (Deut.  - The Walking Dead (1936 film)
  • Phaedra condemns Theseus for his harshness and turns to Hippolytus' mangled corpse, crying: "Whither is thy glorious beauty fled.  - Phaedra (Seneca)
  • When Miyoshi and June return to the control room thy find a tap recording made by Takigawa.  - The War in Space
  • Seeing a hanging "love thy neighbor" sampler, the father decides to bless the union and end the feud.  - Our Hospitality
  • to do thy bidding".  - The Passion of the Jew
  • And he asked him, What is thy name.  - My Name Is Legion (novel)
  • Jesus tells the Count, "Peace to thee, child, for in thy love for humanity is thy redemption.  - Civilization (film)
  • I am thy chela".  - Kim (novel)

Meaning of "thy" in English

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Meaning of "thy" in Hindi

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