How to use "tidal" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tidal" in popular movie and book plots

  • Fortunately, the tidal stresses cause nearby dormant volcanoes to become active again.  - Rocheworld
  • The quake and the ensuing tidal waves hit Blackgate Prison hard.  - Batman: Cataclysm
  • The Moon seems to be forming, and a tidal wave looms.  - When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth
  • On the way there, wizards on the reef summon powerful tidal waves to destroy the flotilla but Jack kills them.  - Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
  • The six boats intended for escape are stuck in tidal mud and it is debated what they should do.  - Runaway Horses
  • A tidal wave bursts out, which Bart rides a basketball hoop on, drenching the school yard and saving Ned.  - Brother's Little Helper
  • Sarah is buried on a scenic promontory overlooking the tidal reef area.  - Return to the Blue Lagoon
  • However, Annie tries to take the blackened Soul Dew, which shatters, causing all of the city’s water to flow out and return as a tidal wave.  - Pokémon Heroes
  • The group obtains the first precioustone after surfing down a tidal wave brought on by the ice.  - Sonic Shuffle
  • Shaeffer eventually realizes what the X-force is: the tidal force.  - Neutron Star (short story)
  • Clemens and his crew manage to survive the resulting tidal wave that kills nearly everyone in the vicinity.  - The Fabulous Riverboat
  • However, the route and timing of the voyage are governed by tidal variations and local community priorities.  - The Maggie
  • Klaus examined the tidal charts to estimate the location of the sugar bowl relative to the water cycle.  - The Grim Grotto
  • Many centuries ago, a large tidal wave triggered by a distant explosion threatens to drown the island of Atlantis.  - Atlantis: The Lost Empire
  • The aliens then create massive tidal waves that threaten the world's coasts, but stop them short before they hit.  - The Abyss
  • As they ride back, tidal waves form in the cylindrical sea, created by the movements of Rama itself as it makes course corrections.  - Rendezvous with Rama

Meaning of "tidal" in English

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Meaning of "tidal" in Hindi

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