How to use "tiff" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tiff" in popular movie and book plots

  • The tiff between Jamshed and Rizwan makes Michelle very uncomfortable, Jamshed then starts to fake a friendship with Rizwan.  - Jackson Heights (TV series)
  • Once, Vijayashanthi has a tiff with Srikanth, a spoilt brat in college.  - Aashayam
  • This competition of money versus tradition leads to a tiff in the family.  - Ghar Shrimantacha
  • Because of this Aaliya and Zain have a tiff in their relation.  - Beintehaa
  • Serena and him have a small tiff and Lily mentions they need to move on from Serena ruining Dan's book's chances of becoming a movie.  - Riding in Town Cars with Boys
  • Rollins and Amaro intercept them on the way out and Cassidy gets into a tiff with Amaro.  - Rhodium Nights
  • Maxi decides to shoot campaign for a new and important customer in Pokhara where the tiff between her and Abby continues.  - Love in Nepal
  • They had a tiff later when Hiya's gang of buddies were taking a feel of Ujan’s Binocular and as usual, he did not like that.  - Ekhane Aakash Neel
  • The two have a tiff on the payment of Rs.  - Shool
  • After a tiff with the locals, Selvam moves to a neighbouring village for fishing and is feared dead during a cyclone.  - Kadal Meengal
  • Pazhani, who soon comes to know of his sister's and Karthik's love affair is disappointed and then there is a tiff amongst the friends.  - Chennai 600028
  • After getting into some tiff with Stephen, Karuthamma falls in love with him.  - Karuththamma

Meaning of "tiff" in English

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Meaning of "tiff" in Hindi

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