How to use "timidity" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "timidity" in popular movie and book plots

  • Young orphan Tomás (John Bell) is harassed and ridiculed for his small size, timidity and stuttering by the other children in his orphanage.  - A Shine of Rainbows
  • Mini, now realizing that she had always loved him, feels that her timidity worsened the situation.  - Aniyathipraavu
  • As time passes, Diane loses her timidity and shows her feelings for Chico, which leads to a loving relationship.  - Seventh Heaven (1937 film)
  • The plan is a success, and Canute's previous timidity is replaced with a strong kingly spirit.  - Vinland Saga (manga)
  • Nastenka reassures him that ladies like timidity and she likes it, too.  - White Nights (short story)
  • After a conversation about consumerism, outside the bar, Tyler chastises the Narrator for his timidity about needing a place to stay.  - Fight Club

Meaning of "timidity" in English

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Meaning of "timidity" in Hindi

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