How to use "tin" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tin" in popular movie and book plots

  • Gerry keeps the money they accumulate in a tin box at home.  - Purely Belter
  • Turning to look he sees Dervish, with his senses regained, holding a tin of paint and a woollen scarf.  - Lord Loss
  • Carol meanwhile goes to find Harry herself, leaving Mrs Blitztein alone with her cake tin (Bake a Cake).  - Blitz!
  • Randolph puts a sandwich with tin foil inside on a table and shines a lamp on it.  - The Big Over Easy
  • This begins as a private act of revenge against his sister, Nerys, who is always putting money in her own tin piggy bank.  - The Boy Who Kicked Pigs
  • On his birthday, a boy receives a set of 25 toy soldiers all cast from one old tin spoon and arrays them on a table top.  - The Steadfast Tin Soldier
  • mrs Kennedy helps Chubby start his line and then prompts her husband to shake a tin sheet, creating thundering noises.  - Shivering Shakespeare
  • To cheer Sophie up, Julien gives her a small tin box, a gift from his fatally ill mother.  - Love Me If You Dare
  • On his walk back to Taulkinham, Motes purchases a tin bucket and sack of quicklime and returns to the boarding house.  - Wise Blood
  • Once inside, he feigns a headache, pulls out a tin of aspirin, and asks the woman for water.  - The Beat Generation
  • Included are a tin of sardines and a some coconut pieces.  - William Does His Bit
  • Each time it happened, a tinsmith replaced the missing part with one made of tin until he was entirely made of it.  - The Wiz
  • Preston investigates and finds three out-of-place looking metal discs in a tobacco tin in his gunny sack.  - The Fourth Protocol
  • Every day he buys a tin of pineapple with an expiration date of 1 May.  - Chungking Express
  • Christy's mother, who had been gradually gathering some savings in a tin in the fireplace, finally saves enough to buy him a wheelchair.  - My Left Foot
  • Merrill joins the children in wearing tin foil hats, believing the aliens can read their minds.  - Signs (film)

Meaning of "tin" in English

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Meaning of "tin" in Hindi

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