How to use "toad" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "toad" in popular movie and book plots

  • The Hypnotoad is a large toad with pulsating, multicolored eyes, which emits a loud, ominous buzzing noise.  - Amazon Adventure (film)
  • Thirteen realizes toad eggs can cause nausea and get a person high.  - Now What? (House)
  • It is up to you, Captain Bucky O'Hare, to rescue your crew and use their unique abilities to rescue the others and take down the toad menace.  - Bucky O'Hare (NES video game)
  • Adder explains that as he does not have paws he cannot judge whether they are from a toad or not.  - The Siege of White Deer Park
  • While she is in the pond a toad grips at her foot.  - Glubbslyme
  • Due to his mating instincts Toad tries to return to Farthing Wood pond but he and another toad are captured, and put in a jar by some boys.  - In the Grip of Winter
  • More monsters appear, including a large toad with a jewel in its forehead.  - Merry Mount (opera)
  • They come across a toad near her grave but they are unaware that it is the same one that she had poured water on years before.  - Tuck Everlasting
  • A sycophantic toad serves as Cockatrice's voice and turns the basilisk eggs for him.  - The Book of the Dun Cow (novel)
  • In her parlour, she finds her toad neighbour mr Jackson sitting before the fire in her rocking chair.  - The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse
  • The map tells them they must head to a swamp of a giant toad to grab some "gelatinous globes".  - The Lake of Souls
  • One night, Thumbelina, asleep in her walnut-shell cradle, is carried off by a toad who wants her as a bride for her son.  - Thumbelina
  • Nettlebrand melts to reveal nothing but a toad underneath.  - Dragon Rider (novel)
  • They are presented to the chieftain, a large, repulsive, fat toad called King Glagweb.  - Salamandastron
  • During the ritual, Dewara places a dried poisonous toad in Nevare's mouth and Nevare experiences a vision.  - Shaman's Crossing
  • Instead of using the potion herself, she gives the potion to her friend Lufa, who had been turned into a toad by the Demon Lord's magic.  - Dragon Half

Meaning of "toad" in English

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Meaning of "toad" in Hindi

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