How to use "tolerable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tolerable" in popular movie and book plots

  • Libby is placed under medications that turn her into a tolerable person and suddenly becomes Chanel's best friend.  - The Final Girl(s)
  • Yet the film is tolerable because of the light up moment of glitz and glamour the mainstay of all Ravichandran films.  - Neelakanta (film)
  • Even Perky Palmer, at her worst, was more tolerable compared to Dawn's Aunt Vicki.  - Chrystal Falls
  • The house is in tolerable condition, and Serena finds a book about merpeople that has an ancient Greek inscription on the cover.  - Fishtales
  • She has decided to kill herself and the children, life with David is no longer tolerable and she sees no way out.  - Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness!
  • They determine that the pressure should be tolerable at a depth where light can be seen.  - The Incredible Petrified World
  • They're only tolerable when necessary, and only permissible when they work".  - Executive Action (film)
  • Captain Allenby has been trying to make Corry's stay humanely tolerable by bringing him things to take his mind off the loneliness.  - The Lonely (The Twilight Zone)

Meaning of "tolerable" in English

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Meaning of "tolerable" in Hindi

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