How to use "tolerant" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tolerant" in popular movie and book plots

  • And the character Ayshe would not have had to keep her ethnic identity a secret for 50 years if she had lived in a tolerant environment.  - Waiting for the Clouds
  • Albert Fernandes turns out to be compassionate, tolerant and accepting of Sarojini's belligerence.  - Samsaram Adhu Minsaram
  • The forgiving and tolerant Bill responds that she is a good person who just doesn't know it yet.  - Faithless (1932 film)
  • The patriarchal society seems not to be tolerant with her sense of emancipation.  - Ekjon Jhumur
  • Back in their home, Suzanne is distant with her family, yet tolerant of her husband's sexual advances.  - Leaving (2009 film)
  • Peter brings Simpson home with him to meet the family, who are initially less tolerant of Simpson than Peter.  - The Juice Is Loose
  • The annoyance intrigues House, however, as it seems that Sarah is normally very tolerant of annoyance.  - Big Baby (House)
  • Angel remains barely tolerant of the arrangement while it serves her needs.  - Redeeming Love
  • Godfrey, though normally tolerant in religious matters, had been militating against the Jesuits around the time of the Popish Plot.  - Miles Prance
  • This leaves a number of them much more tolerant of the hrossa conditions.  - Pennterra
  • They discuss Colvin's creation of drug tolerant zones in his district.  - Slapstick (The Wire)
  • After Marge and Homer watch a Brad Goodman video, Marge is more tolerant and the two of them get along better.  - Bart's Inner Child
  • "You have a tolerant spirit," he tells him, before disappearing into another room to take his own life.  - Utica (Rome)
  • Amelia is now more tolerant towards the people of the End of Time, though still occasionally revolted by their lack of morals.  - The Dancers at the End of Time
  • A lonely Bright grows more tolerant of Ephram, and the two eventually become good friends.  - Everwood
  • His wife Lillian is loyal and docile, tolerant of Meechum's temper and drinking.  - The Great Santini

Meaning of "tolerant" in English

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Meaning of "tolerant" in Hindi

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