How to use "toll" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "toll" in popular movie and book plots

  • Although the family has won the case at law and lifted the cloud over Ronnie, it has taken its toll on the rest.  - The Winslow Boy
  • The penultimate scene is Alice as she stands on a stage and tells her sobriety story; the toll it took on her, her children and her marriage.  - When a Man Loves a Woman (film)
  • The death toll is nearly 100 people, and thousands injured.  - Volcano (1997 film)
  • The return to isolation takes a toll on Fred, as he suffers from nightmares where he is viewed as a freak.  - Little Man Tate
  • Claude-Henri's cruelty and insensitivity take their toll on Roxy, and she attempts suicide in late pregnancy.  - Le Divorce
  • "& that no sexton be asked to toll the bell.  - The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • government estimated the prospective death toll to be about 4,000 if the plot had been executed.  - Bojinka plot
  • They recognize the roll of quarters would pay for a toll road, and follow the trucks to a tanker vessel in the Long Island Sound.  - Die Hard with a Vengeance
  • All the publicity surrounding the calendar has taken a toll on their personal lives, and they lash out at each other in angry frustration.  - Calendar Girls
  • His hard work keeps the business afloat, but it is clearly taking its toll on him.  - Buddenbrooks
  • The defeat takes its toll on the RDU government with President Arbatov largely blamed for the disaster and put under house arrest.  - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001 video game)
  • However, the regimens and "Poussin Meter" (a primitive metronome) take a toll on Weiss' heart defect.  - The Red Violin
  • Informing Roberts that the casualty toll numbered less than 200, O'Halloran says they were lucky.  - The Towering Inferno
  • Meanwhile, the nightly Blitz takes its toll on British towns.  - In Which We Serve
  • When Jim realizes the toll his job has taken on his wife, he gives it up.  - Test Pilot (film)
  • As the death toll begins to rise, more desperate measures are taken.  - The Plague

Meaning of "toll" in English

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Meaning of "toll" in Hindi

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