How to use "tomb" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tomb" in popular movie and book plots

  • With Langdon in pursuit, the camerlengo ventures into the catacombs and finds the canister sitting atop the tomb of Saint Peter.  - Angels & Demons
  • The Vizier ambushes them and they barely escape with the Dagger, ending up in a tomb beneath the city.  - Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  • He and Randi pay a visit to Laudermilk's tomb and Randi admits she's not his daughter, more a protégé or daughter he'd never had.  - Dead Heat (1988 film)
  • She makes a shrine of his tomb in the Italian fashion.  - The Red and the Black
  • They apparently have to find a red ruby called the "Eye of the Dragon" that can open the door to a tomb where the red sceptre rests.  - Dungeons & Dragons (film)
  • A poem is carved over the tablets: They enter the tomb by bashing a bronze map of the valley with an iron hammer.  - The Story of the Stone (Barry Hughart)
  • Jaden defeats Ragnos and destroys the Scepter, banishing Ragnos' spirit back into its tomb and killing Tavion.  - Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
  • The Sanhedrin insists that guards be posted before the tomb which is to hold Christ's body.  - Oberammergau Passion Play
  • Leaving Fiona to guard the Primal Pattern, Corwin goes to his tomb to meet Random and Martin, who have just arrived.  - The Hand of Oberon
  • In the end, the healed body of Jesus rises from the dead, and exits the tomb resurrected.  - The Passion of the Christ
  • In despair, Romeo goes to Juliet's tomb and kills himself by drinking poison.  - Romeo and Juliet (1968 film)
  • They arrange to meet near Ninus' tomb under a mulberry tree and state their feelings for each other.  - Pyramus and Thisbe
  • Sharrow visits the storage facility where the tomb is kept and finds a device that provides them with co-ordinates deep in an embargoed zone.  - Against a Dark Background
  • About eighteen months later, the tomb is opened, and the skeletons are found.  - The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
  • Lara encounters Alex West (Daniel Craig), a fellow tomb raider with unscrupulous methods.  - Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
  • Upon arriving at Karnstein, the General asks a woodman where he can find the tomb of Mircalla Karnstein.  - Carmilla

Meaning of "tomb" in English

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Meaning of "tomb" in Hindi

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