How to use "torso" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "torso" in popular movie and book plots

  • It catches her torso in its mouth and pulls her underwater.  - Black Water (film)
  • In response, an emotionless Frankenstein runs a sword through Watta's torso from behind, killing him.  - Billy the Kid's Old Timey Oddities
  • When Tom chases them, his head goes one way, his arms and torso go another, and his feet, a third.  - Two Little Indians
  • Jack Lorski, the journalist who had been previously kidnapped in Part I of the game is found dead, with a large portion of his torso removed.  - Evidence: The Last Ritual
  • Near the pool, they find the chainsaw and the girl's body parts, with the exception being her torso is missing.  - Pieces (film)
  • When Sylar summons a parking meter with his telekinesis and strikes Peter down, Niki disarms him and slams his torso with the weapon.  - Niki Sanders
  • Davidow's body begins to spawn duplicate parts: a hand, a torso and more from wounds that miraculously heal.  - The Joining (The Outer Limits)
  • Taking a knife with him, Feldman skins his own torso and creates a vest, bringing it out to Shanna.  - Pelts (Masters of Horror)
  • Geza has a seizure as Boles arrives but Boles treats him by scrubbing the boy's torso with horsehair brushes.  - Archangel (film)
  • Gawain beheads the knight but then the knight's torso walks up and grabs the head and puts it back on his body.  - Sword of the Valiant
  • The Doctor keeps him alive by projecting a pair of holographic lungs into his torso using the sickbay's holographic emitters.  - Phage (Star Trek: Voyager)
  • The head and torso are stuffed fabric stitched together.  - May (film)
  • Sharik's torso is also opened and he is given human testicles.  - Heart of a Dog
  • Scar, however, is impaled through the torso by the Alien Queen's tail and succumbs to his wounds and dies.  - Alien vs. Predator (film)
  • At home again, Miley is near the brink of insanity from the pain, exposing his torso to reveal the worm shifting and moving under the skin.  - The Hellgramite Method
  • His torso and head protrude from the rock, and he awaits the sun that will never rise.  - Jack of Shadows

Meaning of "torso" in English

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Meaning of "torso" in Hindi

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