How to use "totalitarian" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "totalitarian" in popular movie and book plots

  • A totalitarian (and apparently still Communist) China rules virtually all of East Asia, including Siberia, Korea, and Japan.  - Fitzpatrick's War
  • A totalitarian regime known as the Tyranians rule the area once known as Arizona and New Mexico.  - Genesis II (film)
  • His body is revived in 2190 by an oppressive, totalitarian global government called "The State".  - A World Out of Time
  • Kammerer finds himself in the capital of a totalitarian state, perpetually at war with its neighbors.  - Prisoners of Power
  • Major themes include the notion of the self in a totalitarian state, the meaning of life, and the power of love.  - Kallocain
  • The Gua have on numerous occasions demonstrated a very totalitarian culture and nature that limits their empathic abilities.  - First Wave (TV series)
  • The colony is controlled by a totalitarian regime.  - Paradyzja
  • She tells Melissa that her music inspired her future fans to resist a totalitarian takeover, which will succeed if she dies now.  - Falling Star (The Outer Limits)
  • Pran is turned over to the Khmer Rouge and is forced to live under their totalitarian regime.  - The Killing Fields (film)
  • The government restructured into a totalitarian regime under martial law.  - Death Race 2000
  • Konoko's father was a college professor who fell in love with a student activist named Jamie, who protested against the totalitarian WCG.  - Oni (video game)
  • The Church has installed itself as a new totalitarian government.  - A Mind Forever Voyaging
  • Terran exiles from Earth are governed by a totalitarian empire, the Terran Dominion, that is opposed by several smaller rebel groups.  - StarCraft: Ghost
  • The book then shifts back to the market place and a description of the totalitarian government of Annexia.  - Naked Lunch
  • In a future totalitarian state, Romney Wordsworth is put on trial for being obsolete.  - The Obsolete Man
  • The group performs a campaign against the totalitarian Terran Federation until an intergalactic war occurs.  - Blake's 7

Meaning of "totalitarian" in English

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Meaning of "totalitarian" in Hindi

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