How to use "tow" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tow" in popular movie and book plots

  • His friends, meanwhile have been told by Boy where to find their Bentley and they tow it away.  - Dark Blood
  • The next day, the two boys — with Akio's younger sister, Tomoko, in tow — cycle to the site to investigate.  - Gamera vs. Guiron
  • As they prepare to tow it, they discover it contains a large quantity of gold.  - Ghost Ship (2002 film)
  • With the head in tow they go off to rescue Gail and Old Town.  - The Big Fat Kill
  • Because Corbett cannot be moved, they simply tow the buoy back to England.  - One of Our Aircraft Is Missing
  • While there, they meet an aging cowboy named Gaylord 'Gay' Langland (Gable) and his tow truck driver friend Guido (Wallach).  - The Misfits (film)
  • Larry goes inside to call a tow truck, and tells bartender Mike his troubles.  - Mr. Destiny
  • As he departs in his car, several FBI cars, buses, and tow trucks enter the parking lot, with agents storming out ready to raid the building.  - Boiler Room (film)
  • Two Bajoran vessels approach him and also try to get him to shut down his engines, so they can tow him to safety.  - Sanctuary (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • They use equipment at the park to load Willy onto a trailer, and Jesse and Randolph use Glen's truck to tow Willy to a marina.  - Free Willy
  • Kirk has Botany Bay taken in tow by a tractor beam, and Enterprise sets course for Starbase 12.  - Space Seed
  • Seeing all this from the "Knidproof" Great Glass Elevator, Charlie suggests that he and his companions tow the shuttle back to Earth.  - Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
  • Using smaller boats, the crew of Surprise tow the ship into a fog bank and evade pursuit.  - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
  • A Coast Guard marine helicopter that Brody contacted arrives to tow them to shore.  - Jaws 2
  • However, Whit's father arrives with his son in tow and makes his son apologize to Dale for walking out and ask for another chance.  - Hoosiers
  • First, they try to tow the boat through the muck, only to have Charlie come out of the water covered with leeches.  - The African Queen (film)

Meaning of "tow" in English

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Meaning of "tow" in Hindi

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