How to use "tract" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tract" in popular movie and book plots

  • Spanish Lake was a rural farming community for many years, until the 1950s when neighborhoods of tract housing were built.  - Spanish Lake (film)
  • To support the war effort, he donates a tract of land to the army and organizes the local civilian defense team.  - Cinderella Swings It
  • Ernie is content to live in a tract home on the fringe of the city but the kid cannot resist flashing his new wealth.  - Breaking In
  • Possible causes are struvite kidney stone and urinary tract infection, caused by frequent sexual intercourse.  - Frozen (House)
  • A suburban tract is replanted as an orchard.  - Ecotopia Emerging
  • House believes the fetus "lied" and the urinary tract obstruction is just a sign of something else.  - Fetal Position (House)
  • His offer is to have Lovecraft write a political tract in the nature of an American Mein Kampf.  - Lovecraft's Book
  • After more years, Will retires to a lonely home following a deal with the railroad built on a tract of land which he had owned.  - Thirteen Moons
  • House explains his reasoning about the disease not reaching the GI tract and orders the test anyway.  - All In (House)
  • Meanwhile, Aronsen was furious that Geissler was refusing to sell his tract of land to the mining company.  - Growth of the Soil
  • Pregnant with her second child, Laura spends her days in her tract home with her young son, Richie.  - The Hours (film)
  • Keith takes a liking to Chris and offers to let her stay at a tract house that he is watching while its owners are on vacation.  - Black Hole (comics)
  • Remarried, the medium's husband wants permission from the dead man to open a tract of land to logging.  - Rim of the Pit
  • ), a quest to reshoot a lost episode, and even a journey into Shin-Goji's urinary tract to destroy his kidney stones akin to Fantastic Voyage.  - Twisted Kaiju Theater
  • This tract of scenes finds the main characters successfully finding the location of the German armor.  - The Star (2002 film)
  • When the car gets a flat tire, they find a telephone booth on the edge of an abandoned tract housing district.  - Suburbia (film)

Meaning of "tract" in English

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Meaning of "tract" in Hindi

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