How to use "tradition" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tradition" in popular movie and book plots

  • Enraged by this, the gentleman with the thistledown hair intends to place a second deadly curse on Lady Pole, as Faerie tradition demands.  - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
  • His reverence for Buddhist teachings and disdain for bloodshed prompt him to defy his family's tradition of practising martial arts.  - Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils
  • Somehow the tradition of the Royal Navy and the knowledge of the importance of their work carries them through.  - The Cruel Sea (novel)
  • Kingston uses her own experiences with Chinese tradition and culture to substantiate alternate “versions” of the tale.  - The Woman Warrior
  • The following day, the Prince and his family uphold a centuries-old family tradition and visit a convent founded by a female ancestor.  - The Leopard
  • Winchester tradition fixes the duel at Hyde Mead, before the Abbey near Winchester.  - Guy of Warwick
  • Joseph meets the landlord's daughter Shannon, who has rebelled against family tradition and made plans to claim free land in America.  - Far and Away
  • However, Ben refuses to see LaWanda before the wedding, citing the tradition of not seeing the bride before the ceremony.  - Problem Child 2
  • Dōmeki, his assistant, frequently visits him, and the tradition continues with Dōmeki's descendants.  - XxxHolic
  • Deviating from a tradition of the Mario franchise, Superstar Sagas central antagonist is not Bowser, but the Beanish witch Cackletta.  - Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
  • Breaking with the Amish tradition of nonviolence, John retaliates with a punch.  - Witness (1985 film)
  • Kay calls the tradition "old-fashioned rigamarole," but arranges the meeting nevertheless.  - Father of the Bride (1950 film)
  • Panchito tells Donald of the tradition behind the piñata.  - The Three Caballeros
  • Anne Luther tells her that she must, not just for herself and the tradition of the theatre, but also for Kay.  - Stage Door
  • Bronzes, the largest males, are by tradition the only ones who compete to win the queens in their mating flights.  - Dragonflight
  • She pushed the barriers of tradition by never marrying nor giving into womanly duties.  - House of Tudor

Meaning of "tradition" in English

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Meaning of "tradition" in Hindi

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