How to use "tragic" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tragic" in popular movie and book plots

  • London's oldest daughter Joan commented that in spite of its tragic ending, the book is often regarded as "a 'success' story .  - Martin Eden
  • Estha's experience factors into the tragic events at the heart of the narrative.  - The God of Small Things
  • The press believe the story; praised by the public as a tragic heroine, Roxie becomes an overnight sensation ("Roxie").  - Chicago (2002 film)
  • Eventually a string of tragic events strike the team.  - Anarchists (film)
  • Toomer exacts revenge on Red with the help of a hive of bees, but tragic consequences ensue.  - The Great Santini
  • Anna Karenina is the tragic story of a married aristocrat/socialite and her affair with the affluent Count Vronsky.  - Anna Karenina
  • In tragic dismay, Cleon at last accepts his fate and he surrenders his authority to the sausage-seller.  - The Knights
  • Then his own child—Bryan—dies in a tragic horse-riding accident.  - The Luck of Barry Lyndon
  • The next Christmas, mrs Oliver receives a tragic letter from Julie, notifying her of Trina's death after a sudden, brief illness.  - Penny Serenade
  • Looking up at the tower, Duncan promises that such a tragic debacle will never happen again in the future.  - The Towering Inferno
  • The three are mired in a love triangle in the last dozen or so pages, resulting in a tragic ending.  - Imitation of Life (novel)
  • By a tragic stroke of bad luck, Jack spots the enemy aircraft and, bent on avenging his friend, begins an attack.  - Wings (1927 film)
  • The tragic death is witnessed by Valentinov who has just arrived by car.  - The Luzhin Defence
  • He also has a tragic relationship with Annie, a local mentally unstable girl.  - Midnight Cowboy
  • During a later tragic crossfire scene, Sid braves the crazed Heidi's automatic fire to save his son.  - Meet the Feebles
  • The school and community look on Heather's apparent suicide as a tragic decision made by a popular but troubled teenager.  - Heathers

Meaning of "tragic" in English

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Meaning of "tragic" in Hindi

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