How to use "train" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "train" in popular movie and book plots

  • He tracks her down to the train station, offers to help her "win back Charlie", and together they board a train to Cannes.  - French Kiss (1995 film)
  • Grusinskaya departs for the train station, fully expecting to find the Baron waiting for her there.  - Grand Hotel (1932 film)
  • He wanders off drunk and collapses on a railroad track where he is unable to move as a train approaches.  - Where the Heart Is (2000 film)
  • In early 1943, World War II British prisoners arrive by train at a Japanese prison camp in Burma.  - The Bridge on the River Kwai
  • Accompanied by Passepartout, Fogg departs from London by train at 8:45M.  - Around the World in Eighty Days
  • The detective boards the train to continue his investigation.  - The Greatest Show on Earth (film)
  • She finds Sam at a pachinko parlor rapidly losing his eyesight, and buys them train tickets to a random mountain inn.  - Until the End of the World
  • Tuco is packed on a train to be executed, but escapes.  - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Arriving at the village, they have the villagers build fortifications and begin to train them to defend themselves.  - The Magnificent Seven
  • Slowly the samurai and farmers begin to trust each other as they train together.  - Seven Samurai
  • They run into him at a train station; Walter is furious that Julia has betrayed him.  - Original Sin (2001 film)
  • He wrecks a crowded elevated train and ultimately climbs up the Empire State Building.  - King Kong (1933 film)
  • A passing commuter train collides with the monster, who then destroys the train.  - Godzilla (1954 film)
  • The airline sends a representative who compensates him with train tickets to go home to San Francisco.  - Fearless (1993 film)
  • As he looks at the wall clock, he notices that he has overslept and missed his train for work.  - The Metamorphosis
  • He informs her that she is The Slayer, or Chosen One, destined to kill vampires, and he is a Watcher whose duty it is to guide and train her.  - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (film)

Meaning of "train" in English

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Meaning of "train" in Hindi

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