How to use "trance" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "trance" in popular movie and book plots

  • Shortly after returning, Heather slips into a trance so John makes his excuses and quickly leaves.  - Don't Look Now
  • Then Catstello stands up to the cat, who gets wise to Catstello's trance and hypnotizes him into going back into the mouse hole.  - The Mouse-Merized Cat
  • Despite being saved from the transformation, she appears to be in a trance and immediately follows Leopold into the sea.  - Zaat
  • Spock finally comes out of his trance and thanks the bewildered Nurse Chapel for her assistance.  - A Private Little War
  • The Sixth Doctor puts himself into a telepathic trance to determine where his past incarnation is being held.  - The Two Doctors
  • When Slans are ill or seriously injured, they go into a healing trance automatically.  - Slan
  • Margaret emerges from her trance and is reunited with her true love.  - The Magician (1926 film)
  • He tried to snap Brin out of her trance with his illusions but failed, but the love of her brother snapped Brin out of her trance.  - The Wishsong of Shannara
  • During a celebration of 3,000 years of peace Delia, queen of the fairies, falls into a trance and leaves the party.  - Wizards (film)
  • The monsters awaken from their trance and a fight ensues.  - Invasion of Astro-Monster
  • He puts his daughter into a light trance which, to Corder's shock, Elspeth has clearly experienced before.  - No Highway
  • Audrey comes across David while he is in a prayer trance and attempts to strangle him.  - Desperation (novel)
  • Unfortunately, Selma slips into one such trance while working at the factory.  - Dancer in the Dark
  • After the group gets hungry, Hoggle gives Sarah the peach and runs away as she falls into a trance and begins to lose her memories.  - Labyrinth (film)
  • At the same time this is happening, his wife awakens from her sleep and in a trance walks towards the balcony and onto the railing.  - Nosferatu
  • Van Helsing is able to use hypnotism at the hour of dawn and put her into this trance to further track his movements.  - Dracula

Meaning of "trance" in English

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Meaning of "trance" in Hindi

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