How to use "transcribe" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "transcribe" in popular movie and book plots

  • Sally gets to transcribe the extensive information Vanescu has to offer, which tells of a plan to perform terror attacks on the city.  - They Got Me Covered
  • Bass, his new master, wants to use Widge's skill to transcribe William Shakespeare's Hamlet before Shakespeare prints it.  - The Shakespeare Stealer
  • Jenny secretly records them and gets Holly to transcribe the books, and they submit them to his publisher.  - Undercover Angel (film)
  • Lily decides to record and transcribe the songs and share them with the outside world.  - Songcatcher
  • Some editors have therefore chosen to read the names Nari and Narvi as a mistake in the manuscript, and transcribe Nari as Váli.  - Lokasenna

Meaning of "transcribe" in English

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Meaning of "transcribe" in Hindi

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