How to use "transistor" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "transistor" in popular movie and book plots

  • He has the money, but it is hidden in a transistor radio that was confiscated by his teacher.  - A Serious Man
  • After Sandra's transistor radio gets misplaced next to the compass, they manage to end up in Calais.  - Double Bunk
  • A transistor radio drones on about a war brewing in Vietnam.  - The Man Who Loved Flowers
  • For a present, Pan presents Sadao with a new transistor radio.  - Monrak Transistor
  • Now all of a sudden, you're fine people—highly cultured—and it's propaganda about your lousy transistor radios".  - The Encounter (Twilight Zone)
  • He brings with him a portable transistor radio that allows the internees to listen to the news.  - Blindness (novel)
  • Suddenly, however, he hears music blaring from a transistor radio which contains the same subliminal message.  - Radio Free Albemuth

Meaning of "transistor" in English

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Meaning of "transistor" in Hindi

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