How to use "treaty" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "treaty" in popular movie and book plots

  • The player and LAPD SWAT is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the treaty is signed safely.  - SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle
  • To abate further hostilities, the zoogs agree to a new treaty with the cats of Ulthar.  - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
  • While the peace treaty is signed, Aeryn keeps vigil over Crichton's body.  - Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
  • Jeffords makes a peace treaty with Cochise, but a group led by Geronimo (Jay Silverheels) oppose the treaty and leave the stronghold.  - Broken Arrow (1950 film)
  • With Rodric's death, Lyam assumes command and sues for a peace treaty with the Emperor Ichindar.  - Magician (Feist novel)
  • Odan (Franc Luz), a mediator, boards the Enterprise to negotiate a peace treaty between two hostile races.  - The Host (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • There he forges a treaty guaranteeing safe passage to settlers on the Oregon Trail in exchange for legal recognition of tribal land claims.  - Centennial (miniseries)
  • Driven by sorrow he tries to end the fight and wants to negotiate a treaty with King Arthur.  - Lancelot du Lac (film)
  • Commander Spock explains that the Neutral Zone came into being following the peace treaty that ended the Earth-Romulan War a century earlier.  - Balance of Terror
  • She received a secret treaty to deliver to the American embassy in London.  - The Secret Adversary
  • Meanwhile, Prince Hector of Troy and his younger brother Paris negotiate a peace treaty with Menelaus, King of Sparta.  - Troy (film)
  • The war ultimately ends as a peace treaty is signed.  - Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
  • The signing of a peace treaty follows, and the closing scenes depicts the happiness in store for the returning soldiers.  - Civilization (film)
  • With the war finally over, the Eidolons help to broker a peace treaty between the two sides, but Crichton is still in a coma.  - Farscape
  • After signing a treaty with Napaloni, Hynkel invades Osterlich.  - The Great Dictator
  • Van Meer is being interrogated using sleep deprivation to discover a secret clause in a treaty he signed.  - Foreign Correspondent (film)

Meaning of "treaty" in English

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Meaning of "treaty" in Hindi

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