How to use "tribunal" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "tribunal" in popular movie and book plots

  • When he faces the tribunal to be judged by Tzadkiel, he is told that the trial was already successfully passed.  - The Urth of the New Sun
  • During this time the revolutionary tribunal arranges for its jury to be made up of honest and faithful men.  - Danton's Death
  • A tribunal convicts Callaghan of striking an officer (1 year) and disobeying an officer (10 years).  - Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil
  • Instead of challenging the decision, he shows the tribunal unshakable evidence of an approaching danger.  - Beowulf's Children
  • Scratch and the Spirit of Man are allowed to take the tribunal to any period of time to present evidence for Mankind's salvation or damnation.  - The Story of Mankind (film)
  • Armed soldiers take Mann away after tribunal with the general and then the colonel he'd helped at the Red Cross.  - Uncle Tom's Children
  • In the "Trial of Throttlebottom" a military tribunal is underway.  - Let 'Em Eat Cake
  • Dredd is taken to a trial before a tribunal of Council Judges including Griffin and Chief Justice Fargo (Max von Sydow), his mentor.  - Judge Dredd (film)
  • To prove it, he allows Lantenac to escape and then gives himself up to the tribunal that was convened to try him.  - Ninety-Three
  • After returning to base Ramsey and Hunter are put before a naval tribunal to answer for their actions.  - Crimson Tide (film)
  • Jerry is brought to trial at a Soviet tribunal (Judge, Andrew Duggan; prosecutor, Mike Road), where there is no jury nor a defense attorney.  - Red Nightmare
  • The tribunal begins, and Spock offers as his testimony video footage of the Enterprises earlier visit to Talos IV.  - The Menagerie (Star Trek: The Original Series)
  • In the final scenes, set on 28 April 1945, Alfredo is brought before Olmo's workers tribunal to stand trial.  - 1900 (film)
  • In the Underworld, Orpheus finds as a plaintiff before a tribunal which interrogates all parties involved in the death of Eurydice.  - Orpheus (film)
  • They are practising Farewell My Concubine, and their relationship seems to have mended since the tribunal and suicide of Shitou's wife.  - Farewell My Concubine (film)
  • Fiedler and Mundt are released, then summoned to present their cases to a tribunal convened in camera.  - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

Meaning of "tribunal" in English

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Meaning of "tribunal" in Hindi

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