How to use "tribute" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tribute" in popular movie and book plots

  • The novel is partly a tribute to Ernest Hemingway and some of its meditative sequences are written in a Hemingway-like style.  - Isle of the Dead (Zelazny novel)
  • Raj performs a concert in tribute to Rohit, and Mailk and the corrupt officers arrive there undercover.  - Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai
  • McNugent, best friends since fifth grade and Neil Diamond fans throughout, form a Neil Diamond tribute band called "Diamonds in the Rough".  - Saving Silverman
  • Crockett, Bowie and their men prepare to leave, but an inspired tribute by Travis convinces them to stay and fight to the end.  - The Alamo (1960 film)
  • In another tribute to the original series, most of the Navis in the series are named after characters from the original series.  - Mega Man Battle Network
  • Adding her newest tribute to the line of bottles, the girl and the man reflect on their amnesia as to their identity and purpose.  - Angel's Egg
  • Rodrigo is victorious and then is sent on a mission to collect tribute from Moorish vassals of the Castillian crown.  - El Cid (film)
  • Jesse decides to pay tribute to Leslie by crafting a funeral wreath, bending a pine bough into a circle.  - Bridge to Terabithia (novel)
  • The narrator describes how he acquired his full name, Piscine Molitor Patel, as a tribute to the swimming pool in France.  - Life of Pi
  • Picard thus pays silent tribute to his fallen comrade.  - Darmok
  • Sonny arrives at his estate with a small army of mafiosi and demands his tribute under threat of force.  - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
  • When someone asks for Merivel's name, he says he is John Pearce, as a tribute to his friend.  - Restoration (1995 film)
  • Chib's exhibition dissolves into violence as his friend Omar Runic declaims an improvised poem in tribute to Chib's latest work.  - Riders of the Purple Wage
  • One year later, in 1985, Tony Clifton appears at Andy Kaufman's tribute at The Comedy Store's main stage performing, "I Will Survive".  - Man on the Moon (film)
  • At her curtain call, Terry gives a speech in tribute to her dead friend, and Terry and Jean are reconciled.  - Stage Door
  • Walter turns an informal eulogy into a tribute to the Vietnam War.  - The Big Lebowski

Meaning of "tribute" in English

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Meaning of "tribute" in Hindi

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