How to use "trigger" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "trigger" in popular movie and book plots

  • Natima tells him she barely touched the trigger and did not mean to fire, after which she declares her love for him.  - Profit and Loss (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • Cabazon tries to trigger the gallows, since the townsfolk came to see bloodshed.  - Cannibal! The Musical
  • Before he can obey McNab's orders to kill Mortis however, Roger manages to trigger Doug's short term memory and bring him back to normal.  - Dead Heat (1988 film)
  • If a human mind has a copy of Resuna, it may remain dormant until a human speaks the trigger phrase let overwrite, let override.  - The Sky So Big and Black
  • However, Schigolch and Quast trigger a fire alarm and spirit her away in the confusion.  - Pandora's Box (1929 film)
  • He finds Beckett being tortured by El Cirujano, who has cut off the trigger finger of Beckett's right hand.  - Sniper (1993 film)
  • Mauricio, worried about Hal's new taste in women, convinces Robbins to give him the trigger phrase to undo the hypnosis.  - Shallow Hal
  • Murad and Yousef wired an SCR (silicon controlled rectifier) as the switch to trigger the filaments to detonate the bomb.  - Bojinka plot
  • In turn, Faye escapes after Vincent goes to trigger an attack on the city that will eventually kill everyone on Mars.  - Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
  • with a tincture and continues taking it to trigger his ability to experience altered states of consciousness.  - Altered States
  • Root then has the three humans mind-wiped, after Holly mesmerizes Artemis to see if there were any traces left to trigger his memories.  - Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code
  • Slothrop later returns to the Anubis to find Bianca dead, a possible trigger for his impending decline.  - Gravity's Rainbow
  • Even at its reduced speed, the runaway is likely to derail on this curve and trigger a major chemical spill.  - Runaway Train (film)
  • When they take the coins that Mikey had left earlier, they trigger another booby trap that causes the grotto to start to cave in.  - The Goonies
  • While Henry and Elizabeth flee, the Monster sheds a tear and pulls a lever to trigger the destruction of the laboratory and tower.  - Bride of Frankenstein
  • They have seemingly disarmed the bomb, but another trigger is revealed.  - Executive Decision

Meaning of "trigger" in English

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Meaning of "trigger" in Hindi

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