How to use "trinket" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "trinket" in popular movie and book plots

  • Milo gets drunk, and throws away a trinket that Rich had given him in high school, which he still carried as a keepsake.  - The Skeleton Twins
  • Mrs Alston sees the trinket and immediately knows that it is the one she gave to her granddaughter.  - Trooper O'Brien
  • Odd rushes to the hospital and learns that Porter is alive thanks to a metal trinket Odd had given him, but in serious condition.  - Odd Thomas (film)
  • She takes a look at her new trinket and smiles broadly, revealing a hideous hole in her pearly white teeth.  - A Christmas Eve
  • He is convinced his adventures Below had all been a hallucination, but a trinket from his now-dead friend Anaesthesia re-orients him.  - Neverwhere (novel)
  • Upon returning to retrieve the trinket she discovers it in the possession a cheeky, strangely dressed 7 year-old.  - MeruPuri
  • She is horrified to see several other children's trinket trophies also hanging from the strap.  - Lady Vengeance

Meaning of "trinket" in English

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Meaning of "trinket" in Hindi

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