How to use "trope" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "trope" in popular movie and book plots

  • Roberts described the central metaphor as "the trope that the world might end and that we might not even be sure it has happened.  - Splinter (novel)
  • The film utilises the classic trope of a jealous partner to drive its storyline.  - Ta kitrina gantia
  • However, the trope of lost patriarchy is essential in black cultures so Oreo can reappropriate the myth and make it entirely non-foreign.  - Oreo (novel)
  • Brad revels that he plans to employ the "final girl" trope and lets Hallie go so she can be the sole survivor.  - Cut (2000 film)
  • Silence is a huge trope in the move, with large swathes of silence in dialogue.  - Elippathayam
  • This literary trope is characteristic of many late 20th century Western works of metafiction.  - Give Yourself Goosebumps
  • In many series, the reset button trope is used as a standard, and frequently explicit, plot device.  - Reset button technique

Meaning of "trope" in English

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Meaning of "trope" in Hindi

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