How to use "tropical" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tropical" in popular movie and book plots

  • Anne flees north, to Canada, since the disease began in the tropical zones and spread outward.  - The Screwfly Solution
  • The families are angered that Stu did not consult them on his plans, and soon the boat is flipped over by a wave during a tropical storm.  - Rugrats Go Wild
  • Lyle leaves Dean a "goodbye" message via his TV as he's watching, showing himself relaxing in a tropical location.  - Enemy of the State (film)
  • En route, they drug his coffee and he later awakes, imprisoned on a small tropical island in the Indian Ocean.  - Flicker (novel)
  • Dash and Violet use their powers to counter a number of Syndrome's guards in Nomanisan's tropical jungle before reuniting with their parents.  - The Incredibles
  • Mary Ann is last seen seated on a comfortable chair on a tropical beach.  - Body Heat
  • The now wealthy Valentine, Winthorpe, Ophelia and Coleman vacation on a tropical beach.  - Trading Places
  • Once a dry desert planet infested with ant lions, Mota has been transformed into a blue and green tropical paradise.  - Phantasy Star II
  • The ship survives the night and the family finds themselves within sight of a tropical desert island.  - The Swiss Family Robinson
  • As a huge tropical storm nears, she urges her cub out through the bars of her cage.  - Kimba the White Lion
  • She runs out into a tropical rain and falls ill as a result; Allison, now sober and contrite, finds her shivering with chills.  - Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison
  • They then find a magical window in space leading from the professor's bathroom to a tropical island thousands of years in the past.  - The Last Continent
  • On a moonlit, tropical night, the native workers are asleep in their outdoor barracks.  - The Letter (1940 film)
  • The game takes place on the tropical resort of Isle Delfino, which is shaped like a dolphin and comprises ten primary locations.  - Super Mario Sunshine
  • The tour is cut short as a tropical storm approaches Isla Nublar.  - Jurassic Park (film)
  • In this future, England is covered in tropical rainforest.  - Timeslip

Meaning of "tropical" in English

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Meaning of "tropical" in Hindi

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