How to use "trove" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "trove" in popular movie and book plots

  • This unlocks a treasure trove of memories for both as they have not remained in touch over the years.  - Tumi Asbe Bole
  • Meanwhile, Kenny encounters the ghost of Elvis Presley at the abandoned Coco Palms Resort, who shows him a hidden trove of chi chi.  - Going Native
  • Realizing that the trove would somehow liberate him from his bumpkin existence, he brings pieces of it to a jeweler in the city.  - The Ghost Valley's Treasure Mysteries
  • Glawen rescues Scharde, Eustace Chilke and another prisoner who proves to be a treasure trove of very important information.  - Ecce and Old Earth
  • In Devon a gang of Spanish criminals search for a trove of stolen gems hidden by a retired British Admiral.  - The Admiral's Secret
  • He also learns of a Templar "archive", a trove of Templar knowledge and artifacts, hidden somewhere on the island.  - Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
  • They eventually find Levine, who is overjoyed at the trove of information he can glean from this "lost world".  - The Lost World (Crichton novel)
  • Her smuggling career culminates with the discovery of a trove of buried, wheeled, and presumably alien artefacts on Callisto.  - Wheelers (novel)
  • On the distant planet Fluva, torrential rains that leave it barely habitable also make it a treasure trove of rare botanical specimens.  - Drowning World
  • In the plane Boone discovers a trove of statues of the Virgin Mary filled with heroin, the body of another "priest", and a working radio.  - Deus Ex Machina (Lost)
  • His investigation yields a treasure trove of abominations.  - Birdman (novel)
  • She's got a tablet written in Ancient that leads to a trove of hidden Ancient treasures, and she needs Daniel to translate it.  - Avalon (Stargate SG-1)
  • After Hanley throws up and passes out, Vlad finds a trove of music that Hanley has written over the years but not released.  - Camp (2003 film)

Meaning of "trove" in English

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Meaning of "trove" in Hindi

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