How to use "truck" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "truck" in popular movie and book plots

  • When she is hit by a truck Lou immediately offers to go with mr Death, but his pleas are ignored.  - One for the Angels
  • He even mistakes a mannequin sitting in the cab of a delivery truck for a live person.  - Where Is Everybody?
  • As she goes to pass, her car is clipped by a truck going in the opposite direction, then slammed full-force by the Mack, killing her.  - John Q.
  • The film starts with a truck driving at night.  - The Defiant Ones
  • Anita then climbs into the truck and is almost killed when it rolls down the hill.  - Three Coins in the Fountain (film)
  • The sound of a passing truck causes her to glance away" (House of Leaves, pages 11–12).  - House of Leaves
  • When Rayette goes in for some coffee at a gas station, he gives her his wallet and then abandons her, hitching a ride on a truck headed north.  - Five Easy Pieces
  • Upon arrival he discovers that Lime was killed just hours earlier by a speeding truck while crossing the street.  - The Third Man
  • The panicked Nazis remove the Ark in a truck and set off for Cairo, but Jones catches them and retakes it.  - Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Woody ignites the rocket on Buzz's back and manages to throw RC into the truck before they soar into the air.  - Toy Story
  • Thorn stows himself aboard a garbage truck to the disposal center, where he sees human corpses converted into Soylent Green.  - Soylent Green
  • A friendly woman passing by in a pickup truck stops to explain where each road leads.  - Cast Away
  • Ben and Tom refuel Ben's truck while Harry hurls molotov cocktails from an upper window at the ghouls.  - Night of the Living Dead
  • After collecting his gear, he smuggles himself into a supply truck bound for the base.  - Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  • Montag is stunned when the truck arrives at his house.  - Fahrenheit 451
  • After a fight in which Batman knocks her off a building, Catwoman survives by landing in a truck full of kitty litter.  - Batman Returns

Meaning of "truck" in English

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Meaning of "truck" in Hindi

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