How to use "truculent" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "truculent" in popular movie and book plots

  • There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile (Bernard Blier) who recalls them to life's simple pleasures.  - Calmos
  • Only one man can rescue them, the truculent Tom Fife who must respond to the faint radio signals coming from the Arctic shores.  - The Unforgiving Wind
  • With embarrassment Gilberte appeals to the truculent Eric to preserve her secret.  - Not on the Lips
  • When Lingard and Mrs Travers reach the Emma Jorgenson is truculent and hostile.  - The Rescue (Conrad novel)
  • Porter becomes truculent when Lynette tells him he cannot go in the pool again.  - Remember (Desperate Housewives)

Meaning of "truculent" in English

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Meaning of "truculent" in Hindi

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