How to use "tumble" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "tumble" in popular movie and book plots

  • In retrospect, the exploding light bulb in the shower and Billy's tumble from his skateboard start to make sense.  - Carrie (musical)
  • The Lady in White (Melissa's mother) suddenly appears and frightens Phil, causing him to tumble over the cliff's edge.  - Lady in White
  • An arrow is shot from inside Kiev by a large ballista designed and operated by Razumey, causing Kalin to tumble down.  - Ilya Muromets (film)
  • They both tumble down the temple steps as the ending explains, "A combination of Tiger and Crane styles is what finally defeated Pai Mei".  - Executioners from Shaolin
  • They struggle to push it back, but finally as Q accepts his fate the door flies open and he and q tumble through; Picard and Data are crushed.  - I, Q
  • Enraged, Kate throws Max out of the apartment, but in his stupor, he takes a tumble down the stairwell.  - Trapped in a Purple Haze
  • They tumble on the floor and a priest breaks up the fight.  - There's Something About a War
  • The kerfuffle over the music causes all the music stands (and several musicians) to tumble over like so many dominoes.  - You're Darn Tootin'
  • He demonstrates his method to Mizoguchi by feigning a tumble in front of a girl.  - The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
  • During the fight, Ainsley drops the flask containing the "Satan Bug", and as it is about to tumble out, Barrett grabs it at the last second.  - The Satan Bug
  • Suddenly, Peter rises, quacking like a duck, and struggles with Fay in which they both tumble down the stairs.  - The New York Ripper
  • All three tumble to the ground.  - Age of Empires III
  • He goes to the refrigerator and opens it to find rotting fish and other spoiled food tumble out.  - The Machinist
  • The others soon tumble down as well and hide behind the large bird as it laughs even harder.  - For the Birds (film)
  • After Madeline hesitates to help her, Helen grabs Madeline and the two tumble down the stairs, breaking to pieces.  - Death Becomes Her
  • Both men tumble to the ground.  - The Defiant Ones

Meaning of "tumble" in English

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Meaning of "tumble" in Hindi

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