How to use "turbine" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "turbine" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meanwhile, American Nicholas Burton (Joseph Millson), a turbine engineer, works at a wind farm in Rajasthan, 30 kilometers from Jaipur.  - The Dead 2: India
  • At first the turbine produces an excess of electricity, so Homer decides the family will live off the grid.  - The Squirt and the Whale
  • Georgos attempts to bomb Big Lil, but he is killed by the pump's turbine blades.  - Overload (novel)
  • Fortunately, a ram air turbine kicks in and provides limited power to the instruments.  - Falling from the Sky: Flight 174
  • The engine could be rated at constant turbine entry temperature, shown on the plot as formula_156.  - Jet engine performance
  • On being interrupted by Bob, the children run and hide inside the dam's turbine room, but are cornered.  - Brother from Another Series
  • They also make a wind turbine that allows them to trade batteries for food.  - The Tribe (TV series)
  • While Jackie battles the two mercenaries, Elsa and Ada flip random switches in the control room, activating the tunnel's turbine fan.  - Armour of God II: Operation Condor

Meaning of "turbine" in English

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Meaning of "turbine" in Hindi

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