How to use "typhoon" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "typhoon" in popular movie and book plots

  • Soon, a typhoon hits Taipei, and Honey's associates massacre the 217's in the midst of the storm.  - A Brighter Summer Day
  • Worse, the weather bureau announces that a typhoon is expected to hit Tokyo within two days.  - Patlabor: The Movie
  • Willie keeps the Caine afloat during another typhoon and brings it back to Bayonne, New Jersey, for decommissioning after the end of the war.  - The Caine Mutiny
  • A typhoon breaks out and he is forced to shelter in a garden hut.  - Number9dream
  • However, a typhoon prevents the ferries from running.  - My Girl and I
  • He chronicles the ship's journeys at the behest of the captain until a typhoon shipwrecks him near the coast of New Guinea.  - Robinson Crusoe (1997 film)
  • One evening, a typhoon hits Japan, washing away the land in Saga that Ryuzo had been painstakingly reclaiming for the past 4 years.  - Oshin
  • As the typhoon approaches, she takes shelter in Shigezou's shop and sees a photo of the young Saku and Aki in wedding clothes.  - Crying Out Love in the Center of the World
  • They return by cargo ship to Siam where, near landfall, they barely survive a typhoon before finally being rescued by Captain Marvel.  - Adventures of Captain Marvel
  • Gamera is lured to Oshima by lighting an oil slick path From Tokyo to the island, but an oncoming typhoon blows the fire out.  - Gamera: The Giant Monster
  • A typhoon destroys the marooned Diane and Aubrey believes that the pinnace, if caught in the same storm, likely did not survive.  - The Thirteen Gun Salute
  • A powerful typhoon strikes the surface, and the Habitat crew are forced to stay several more days.  - Sphere (1998 film)
  • On the day of the fight, a typhoon appears.  - The Karate Kid Part II
  • On July 21, 1841, Dirk Struan was killed in a typhoon before he can fulfil his oath to destroy Brock.  - Tai-Pan (novel)
  • As they leave without seeing Halsey, an aide tells them that a typhoon is approaching.  - The Caine Mutiny (film)
  • That evening, an impressive typhoon attacks the ship.  - Moby-Dick

Meaning of "typhoon" in English

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Meaning of "typhoon" in Hindi

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