How to use "typhus" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "typhus" in popular movie and book plots

  • Michal gets a job in the typhus center, where he is guinea pig for lice after being immunized to make more vaccine.  - The Third Part of the Night
  • The woman identifies herself as Anne Frank, who is presumed to have died of typhus 19 years earlier at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.  - I Am Anne Frank (American Horror Story)
  • He tells her that Francisco stole papers proving that Clearbec was involved in a typhus outbreak.  - A Dark Truth
  • When the building is nearly completed, Ranti tends to Galih and tries to convince him to rest so that his typhus can be cured.  - Love Story (2011 Indonesian film)
  • mrs Reed admits to telling her uncle that Jane had died of typhus at Lowood School.  - Jane Eyre (2011 film)
  • Tensions rise when a family is revealed to have typhus and when a woman goes into labor.  - The Devil's Arithmetic (film)
  • Visiting Mannion in hospital, she catches typhus and dies.  - Basil (novel)
  • During the tour, Danny falls ill and, upon returning to Nikko's house, is misdiagnosed as having typhus by military doctor Capt.  - Never So Few
  • The doctor also reveals that he lost his wife and son to typhus "many lifetimes ago".  - Swept from the Sea
  • Many students fall ill when a typhus epidemic strikes, and Jane's friend Helen dies of consumption in her arms.  - Jane Eyre

Meaning of "typhus" in English

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Meaning of "typhus" in Hindi

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