How to use "umbrage" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "umbrage" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meanwhile, Peter takes umbrage at Stella taking extra breaks to smoke at work and decides to take up smoking.  - Secondhand Spoke
  • After her mother takes umbrage at Malen's assumed promiscuity, she moves out of Chayong's house and stays with Mike.  - Santa Santita
  • He provides meticulous detail of bull fights (although some reviewers have taken umbrage at supposedly erroneous details in his narrative).  - Miracle in Seville
  • On his way in, Angel bumps into Kate, who takes umbrage when he tries to warn her of a suspiciously non-specific danger.  - Lonely Heart (Angel)
  • Suspicion falls on a man named Rice Weedon (Anthony Zerbe), who takes umbrage and is shot by Tibbs in self-defense.  - They Call Me Mister Tibbs!
  • She asks that he recommend the late Empress Wu, which he takes umbrage at.  - The Story of the Stone (Barry Hughart)

Meaning of "umbrage" in English

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Meaning of "umbrage" in Hindi

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