How to use "unbearable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unbearable" in popular movie and book plots

  • This gives her an air of unbearable conceit, and she goes through a phase of thinking nobody can dance, act or sing better than she can.  - Wintle's Wonders
  • Daniel's suffering is unbearable and he begs Marina to help him die, unwillingly she shoots him to release him from his misery.  - The Lucky Star (1997 film)
  • My life would be unbearable without you.  - Laugh a Little Louder Please
  • Yazid’s most unbearable challenge was when his third child, Yamin, died after being attacked by a tiger.  - Bilut
  • Ace later tells Lister he has decided to leave, finding unbearable the cowardly, bitter and self-obsessed man he could have been.  - Dimension Jump (Red Dwarf episode)
  • He falls asleep, while she is unable to do so because the sexual intercourse brings unbearable pain for her rather than pleasure.  - Moolaadé
  • Pasquale, thinking his friend was in unbearable pain, finally admits the names of Panza and Attilio to the police chief.  - Shoeshine (film)
  • Jerry then realizes he has flea bites due to his unbearable itching just when his parents arrive.  - The Doodle
  • There is a dark room in their house where Savitri retires whenever her husband's harshness seems unbearable to her.  - The Dark Room (Narayan novel)
  • Caught in an unbearable situation, she runs away in the hope of being able to stay with her pen-pal in San Francisco, California.  - Julie of the Wolves
  • The Boatwright house decides not to tell May in fear of an unbearable emotional episode.  - The Secret Life of Bees (novel)
  • That night, he is woken by Italia's screams as she is gripped by unbearable pain in her abdomen.  - Don't Move
  • Finding life at the fishing community unbearable because her father forbids her to express her musical talents, she runs away from home.  - Dragonsong
  • She finds life there unbearable and eventually suffers a physical breakdown which leads to her return to the family home.  - My Brilliant Career
  • This burden, which would cause him to sink into Hell, is so unbearable that Christian must seek deliverance.  - The Pilgrim's Progress
  • After she divorced him, he found life without her unbearable and abandoned his career to become her servant.  - Sunset Boulevard (film)

Meaning of "unbearable" in English

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Meaning of "unbearable" in Hindi

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