How to use "unbeknownst" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "unbeknownst" in popular movie and book plots

  • Additionally, unbeknownst to Richard and Kahlan, the veil has been torn and the Stone of Tears has entered the world.  - Stone of Tears
  • Renfield enters the castle welcomed by the charming but eccentric Count, who unbeknownst to Renfield, is a vampire.  - Dracula (1931 English-language film)
  • Narab turns on Delekhan and, unbeknownst to them, frees Owyn and Gorath.  - Betrayal at Krondor
  • Pearl goes to the festival, and unbeknownst to her, Alison goes as well with Ross and her friends despite her mother previously forbidding it.  - A Walk on the Moon
  • He pulls his cousin aside and reveals himself, eventually using Patrick's house to sleep in, unbeknownst to his aunt.  - Hiding Out
  • They had a mysterious boatman ferry them to the Cape but unbeknownst to them, he had two demon sharks with him.  - Dororo
  • Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Bugs, Mugsy drives up to the bank, which Rocky invades and robs of an undisclosed sum.  - Bugs and Thugs
  • After some time, unbeknownst to Kirk, McCoy stumbles into the mission, delirious, and Keeler takes him in.  - The City on the Edge of Forever
  • In his absence and unbeknownst to him, she gives birth to their child, a son whom she names Trouble.  - Madame Butterfly (short story)
  • When they parted, unbeknownst to Troy, Fanny was pregnant with his child.  - Far from the Madding Crowd
  • Christie and Billy then ride away together, unbeknownst to Romy, who patiently waits all night long at the dance for Billy.  - Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
  • The star also rides on Madam Semele's wagon, unbeknownst to the old woman.  - Stardust (novel)
  • He manages to grab a rope trailing from the boat, unbeknownst to the sleeping Reri, but Hitu cuts it.  - Tabu: A Story of the South Seas
  • George appears greatly struck by the portrait, unbeknownst to Robert (who credits the unfavourable reaction to that evening's storm).  - Lady Audley's Secret
  • Another situation, unbeknownst to Brad, involves the beloved Buttons the Clown, who is never seen without his makeup.  - The Greatest Show on Earth (film)
  • Kimiko is attempting to get Piro working as an artist on Sight, which unbeknownst to them is now being funded by Dom.  - Megatokyo

Meaning of "unbeknownst" in English

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Meaning of "unbeknownst" in Hindi

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